"Proteins" Everything you need to know


Proteins you should be knowing this…..

Eating foods high in protein has many benefits, including muscle building, weight loss, and feeling fuller after eating. Though eating lots of protein may be beneficial, eating a balanced diet is an essential part of staying healthy.

Eating a protein-rich diet can help people lose weight because it can help them avoid overeating. A high protein diet can help build lean muscle when combined with exercise. Lean muscle helps to burn more calories throughout the day, which can also help with weight loss.

Low carb, high protein diets restrict people’s consumption of carbohydrates, such as bread, while promoting a higher-than-usual consumption of proteins, such as lean meats. This type of eating plan may be beneficial for weight loss and muscle building, but it may also carry a few health risks.

Protein, carbohydrates, and fats are macronutrients. These nutrients are necessary in large quantities to provide a person with energy and keep them healthy.

It is important for a person to have a balanced diet and consume sufficient amounts of each macronutrient. However, if a person is looking to lose weight or alter their body composition, they may wish to adjust the balance of their macronutrients and consume more protein while reducing their carbohydrate intake.

Role of Protein and carb

Along with fat, protein and carbohydrates make up the three macronutrients present in food.

Protein is a major component of the skin, muscle, bone, organs, hair, and nails. Dietary protein is important for preventing Trusted Source lean body mass loss, promoting growth and repair of the body, and generally maintaining good health. Dietary protein may come from animal sources or plant-based foods. Carbohydrates act as the body’s main energy source and can be either simple or complex. These types of carbohydrates differ in chemical structure and the speed at which the body absorbs them. Simple carbohydrates contain one or two sugar molecules, and the body absorbs them more quickly than complex carbohydrates, which have a longer molecular chain.


A low carb, high protein diet may offer several benefits, including:


·       Weight loss: There is some evidence Trusted Source to suggest that a low carb, high protein diet may facilitate weight loss. This result is due in part to protein helping people feel fuller with less food. However, the results will vary depending on various factors, including calorie consumption and amount of exercise.

·       Maintain weight loss: In addition to facilitating weight loss, a high protein diet may help people maintain Trusted Source a lower body weight.

·       Body Composition: Body composition refers to the percentage of fat, bone, water, and muscle in the human body. Research suggests that diets high in protein may improve body composition.

·       Blood Sugar: A 2019 study looking at a reduced carbohydrate, high protein diet for people with type 2 diabetes notes that this way of eating improved average glucose levels.

·       Heart Disease: Low carbohydrate diets may have a beneficial effect Trusted Source on factors that contribute to heart disease. However, more research is necessary to establish the long-term effects of a low carb diet on heart health.

·       Bone health: A 2019 meta-analysis highlights that eating more protein than the average recommended daily allowance can reduce the risk of hip fracture and loss of bone mineral density in older adults.


Adopting a low carb, high protein diet may pose certain risks. For example, a diet that is high in protein can put acid load Trusted Source on the kidneys, which may increase a person’s risk of developing kidney disease.

An older review Trusted Source suggests that the long-term consumption of a high protein diet may also contribute to the following health issues:

·       bone disorders

·       increased cancer risks

·       problems with liver function

·       coronary artery disease

A 2018 study Trusted Source notes that the type of protein that a person consumes on a low carb, high protein diet may affect mortality. Low carb diets that incorporate protein and fat from meats, such as chicken, pose a higher mortality risk than plant-based proteins and fats.

A person should consider consulting their doctor before making any radical dietary changes. They may also wish to work with a dietitian to create an eating plan.

Foods to include

People following a low carb, high protein diet can include the following foods in their meals:
·       eggs
·       fish and shellfish
·       meat
·       poultry
·       certain dairy
·       no starchy vegetables
·       seeds
·       soy
·       mycoprotein

Foods to avoid

People who are trying to limit their carbohydrate intake may wish to avoid the following types of foods:
·       bread and grains
·       starches
·       sugary drinks
·       processed high carb foods
·       cereal
·       certain alcohols
·       juice

How much protein?

Proteins from food are essential for health, but requirements vary, depending on a person’s age, activity levels, body weight, and other factors. Most people should aim for a maximum of 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day.

Consuming more than this could lead to a range of problems involving the digestive system, blood vessels, and kidneys.


The recommended dietary allowance or RDA for protein depends on factors, such as:

·       age

·       gender

·       pregnancy and breastfeeding

·       activity levels

Adults are generally recommended to eat 0.8 g per kilograms (kg) of body weight daily.

For muscle building one can eat 1.8 grams per Kg of bodyweight.



Protein and carbohydrates are important macronutrients that provide the body with energy and support good health. A diet that is low in carbs but high in protein may help facilitate weight loss and improve body composition.

However, this eating plan can negatively affect the liver and kidneys, and more research is necessary to understand its long-term effects on health. A person should consult a doctor before making drastic changes to their diet.


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